Sclerotherapy for Spider Veins

Asclera what it is and how it can help:

As an FDA approved prescription medication, Asclera (Polidocanol) Injection is administered to treat spider and reticular veins located in the lower extremities. The medication is injected into the affected veins, effectively closing them and allowing the body to reabsorb them. The once visible veins then slowly disappear over time.

Spider veins, which are less than 1 mm in diameter and are found on the legs, appear as thin red lines, tree branches, or spider patterns. They are situated closer to the skin surface than varicose veins. In contrast, reticular veins, also known as small varicose veins, have a diameter between 1 to 3 mm and are referred to as feeder veins. The increase in pressure in the vein or weakened vein valves can cause the enlargement of small varicose veins. You can have only small varicose veins or both small varicose and spider veins at the same time.

When injected, Asclera acts as a sclerosing agent and causes damage to the endothelium, the lining inside blood vessels. This damage results in the attachment of blood platelets and cellular debris to the inner walls of the vessel, which eventually leads to the formation of a clot. Over time, the clotting in the vein will lead to the replacement of tissue.

The emergence of Spider and Varicose veins is attributed to various factors. Among these are genetic inheritance, as a family history of these conditions can increase one’s likelihood of developing them. The advancing years of an individual is also a key factor as aging causes degeneration in the valves regulating blood flow within the veins. The continuous wear and tear eventually results in blood accumulation within the veins. Females are more prone to developing these conditions due to the fluctuation in hormones during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. In addition, carrying extra weight or being obese can put extra pressure on the veins. Sedentary lifestyles and prolonged periods of standing can also hamper proper blood flow, contributing to the onset of Spider and Varicose veins.

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