NeoGen PSR

Non Surgical Face Lift

NeoGen Plasma Skin Regeneration PSR is a skin regeneration treatment. A dramatically different, safe, and clinically proven treatment.

The ground-breaking science behind NeoGen Plasma Skin Regeneration PSR makes it different from other treatments in several important ways.  

The first and only treatment clinically proven to regenerate skin. 100% of the skin is treated, initiating regeneration deep below the surface, and remodeling a natural skin architecture.

New, healthier, natural collagen growth will improve contours, tighten your skin, and enhance your overall appearance. Clinical studies have shown improvement for as long as two years after treatment. 

The results are dramatic improvements in fine and deep wrinkles, acne scars, skin laxity, and discoloration as well as poor skin tone and texture. 


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NeoGen PSR:

Plasma is one of the 4 fundamental states of matter, these are solid, gas, liquid, and of course plasma. Plasma can be artificially generated by heating inert gas or subjecting it to a strong electromagnetic field.

NeoGen Plasma Skin Regeneration PSR uses medical-grade nitrogen gas to create pulses of Nitrogen Plasma. Each pulse is a mass of thermal energy that delivers between 50 and 120 degrees in milliseconds without charring the skin's surface

The medical-grade nitrogen gas is released from the canister into the generator in the NeoGen device which creates a high frequency pulse. This then converts the gas into plasma within the handpiece which then targets the area by transferring the thermal energy onto the surface of the skin.

Acne Scarring 

Actinic Keratosis 

Viral Papilloma

Non-Facial Wrinkles 

Seborrhoeic Keratosis 

Superficial/Pigmented Lesions 

Wrinkles - Mild, Moderate & Severe

Stage One 

Thermal energy is applied to the skin. Skin is disrupted. Tissue contracts and the skin tissue is awakened.

Stage Two 

Natural wound response begins to work. Skin is made to think there is a wound. Skin starts its repair process.

Stage Three 

Skin starts to repair the outer layer (epidermis) by generating new cells to repair the damaged one. Skin left with improved tone and texture giving the skin a smoother and more uniform look, while ensuring the skin is healthier. This process resurfaces the skin.

Stage Four 

The next layer of skin is stimulated into action. The dermis and fibroblasts get to work producing collagen and kick in to repairing the skin. Thermal energy applied also creates a disruption of the solar elastosis, this damage is caused by the skin causing wrinkles and thicker skin The elastin in the skin is also remodeled during the process creating a tightening effect and reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

Within 3 weeks, depending on the treatment indication. Your skin will continue to improve for 12 to 24 months depending on the energy used in the treatment setting. 

NeoGen uses nitrogen gas converting it into pure nitrogen plasma energy. The thermal energy from the NeoGen plasma gives a non-ablative delivery of heat deep into the dermis to stimulate your skin’s fibroblasts creating the wound-healing effect.

Yes! This is a treatment that can be tailored to your skin type & treatment indication.

Most patients that have low-energy treatments report a warmth to the skin that feels similar to a mild sunburn. We have a number of options for pain management if required. Low-energy treatments may not need numbing cream.

There will be no surface tissue damage. Most patients’ skin will appear pink & flushed directly after treatment. Downtime varies from the energy level. In the days following the treatment, your skin may appear dry and will eventually flake or peel. 

This will depend on the treatment indication, and at the lower energy there will be minimal downtime. Treatments performed at high energy downtime are expected to be 5- 7 days. With both treatments, energy downtime will vary with each individual.

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